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Dr. Heather Hunt, DC was raised in Nevada City and has been working with her father Dr. Dale Jacobson at Jacobson Chiropractic since 2009.  She specializes in Pregnancy, Postpartum, Infants, Pediatric, and general wellness care.  With three sons of her own, she has had personal experience with this important time.   She mixes chiropractic, craniosacral, myofascial, deep muscle work, ligament release, and yoga therapy to help her patients.  She also specializes in Functional Medicine and nutrition, and she can help with blood work and wellness supplement programs, particularly to support healthy pregnancies and worn-out new mommies!


(530) 265-2220




Erin received her Masters Degree in Osteopathy and Naturopathy from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2018. A background in classical ballet and teaching yoga inspired her to keep learning about the body.  In 2019 she obtained her Doula certification and volunteered in Manos Abiertas, a non-governmental birth center and women's clinic in Guatemala. She enjoys supporting and educating women with bodywork throughout their pregnancy.  Osteopathic manipulative therapy uses a combination of soft tissue techniques and joint mobilisations to find integration between different structures in the body. She practices according to the osteopathic principles, being: the body is a unit (mind, body, and spirit), the body is capable of self-healing and self-regulation, structure governs function, and there must be proper blood supply to promote immunity. Erin also specializes in pelvic floor therapy, whether it is postpartum or healing emotional trauma.  


Erin teaches Yoga locally at Sweat Nevada County and Yoga Dive - her classes focus on careful attention to your body's needs and encouraging health and vitality.



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Craniosacral Bodywork

I have been a physical therapist (PT) for over 20 years, and have been blessed to have been working in the Grass Valley/Nevada City area for the past 10 years. I’ve worked in a variety of clinical settings, including outpatient, acute rehabilitation, hospital, and am currently working in an integrative care setting.
Throughout my career, I have enjoyed working with a variety of neurological diagnoses including traumatic brain injury, concussion, stroke, vestibular dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, pediatrics, children with a sensory processing disorder, and general balance dysfunction. I have also worked with chronic pain, cancer, fibromyalgia, Lymes, migraines, spinal and shoulder injuries, and joint replacements. My clientele includes newborns, children, adults of all ages, and a few animals.

I have also had extensive training in craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, movement re-education, reflex integration, and am a certified neurodevelopmental practitioner. I view each patient as a unique individual with a distinct health background and condition. I never use a “cookbook” approach to treatments. I seek to meet each person as an individual by thoroughly evaluating his/her health history, as well as his/her goals and strengths, before determining the best course of action for the patient and me to work together as a team


(530)263-6974 (evening)



Massage Therapist

Ashlee has a deep belief in the power of women to birth their babies and in the importance for mothers and families to receive supportive birth and postpartum care. As an Ayurvedic postpartum doula, birth doula, ​and massage therapist it is her goal to ease the transition into parenthood for new families through nourishing food and rejuvenating bodywork. Ashlee has formally studied Nutrition, Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurvedic bodywork, Labor Doula support, Herbalism, and Ayurvedic postpartum care.  Ashlee has had the joy of working with new families since 2012 in Nevada County and look forward to many more years ahead.


(530) 333-5324​



Somatic Movement Therapist

Ashley is a truly holistic practitioner who integrates child development, somatics, mental health, and connection to spirit and nature in her work with children and families.


She offers, play-based, somatic movement therapy for infants and children to help heal sensory processing, difficulty sleeping, nursing patterns, developmental delays, behavioral challenges, and early trauma. 


She is also a parenting coach and helps parents learn ways of supporting and connecting to their children in more loving and aligned ways. 


Her studies include Infant Development Movement Education through the School for Body-Mind Centering, a B.A. in Child Development, a M.A. in Infant Mental Health, yoga teacher training through Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, and Reiki training with the Wu Wei School of Reiki. 





Massage Therapist


Pregnancy, Birth, & New Mother Massage Specialist since 1991
Leslie offers advanced integrative bodywork tailored to your unique needs. Relieve pain, restore balance, revitalize energy, and integrate your birth experience with focused nurturing care. Using a blend of Swedish, acupressure, cranial-sacral, structural balancing, fascial release, and body-mind-breath-centering, Leslie invites you to ground into your deep body wisdom as you transit through the birth journey. Private sessions available for partners to learn acupressure and massage to support your birthing. After birth, set yourself on the path of a strong recovery--Come for renewal and “closing the bones”, diastasis recti and pelvic floor muscle assessment-attunement

  • Prenatal, Birth, Postnatal Massage Specialist/Instructor for 30 years

  • Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Massage™

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™ Practitioner

  • Mercier Fertility™ Massage

  • Integrative Pelvic Bodywork: Womb Healing, Fertility Massage, Moontime Massage

  • Cesarean Recovery & Scar Tissue Release

  • Labor & Delivery Nurse, Doula, Childbirth Educator – attended 500 births

  • Founder: MotherTouch Prenatal and Women’s Health Bodywork Classes & DVD’s

  • Author: Nurturing Massage For Pregnancy

  • Leslie has had a private practice for women of all ages since 1991.

Ask for a new client $10 Discount on your first visit!



Massage Therapist

Ameya has been helping postpartum mamas fully heal from birth since 2011. She is passionate about empowering new and expecting mamas to have the tools they need to experience the 4th trimester of their dreams, fully recover from birth and THRIVE, instead of just survive. She is the author of Mama’s Menu: Ayurvedic Recipes for Postpartum Healing, as well as her online postpartum recovery program, Fully Healed Mama.


In Ayurvedic postpartum care, daily oil massage is an essential part of a healthy postpartum recovery. Birthing another human being takes a tremendous amount of energy and the new mother’s tissues become very depleted, even more so while breastfeeding. Daily oil massage makes a drastic difference in the quality of a new mother’s recovery. Oil massage (abhyanga) is one of the very best things you can do for a strong postpartum recovery. Postpartum massage is not a luxury, it is a necessity after birth.


Ameya offers in-home Ayurvedic postpartum massage packages. She also offers baby massage and teaches parents how to give their babies daily oil massage to improve their health and connection.


Ameya accepts Medi-Cal for postpartum doula services. 

The Medi-Cal benefit covers learning The Natural Recovery Method, her signature method that empowers mamas with the wisdom needed to fully heal from birth. This 1-on-1 series is best done in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. She also offers postpartum care and support services, both in person and by Telehealth.


To learn how to fully heal from birth without feeling stressed & exhausted, watch the free masterclass:


(530) 388-8296

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Stuctural Integration Bodyworker

Mia Gleason has been practicing Bodywork since 1995. She supports women in “coming home” to their bodies via Structural Integration. She loves working with postpartum women- helping them feel energized and balanced in order to serve their families while caring for themselves. She combines hands-on bodywork with movement education to help new mamas through the challenges of the postpartum season.  Her practice is baby-friendly. Your in-arms little one is always welcome to come to your session.


Client testimonial:

"After working with Mia I’m lifted, elongated, and my belly is no longer ‘dumping out’. I’m standing the way nature intended, not hunched over."


Contact Mia:




Bodyworker & Somatic Practitioner

After her own near death pregnancy experience, a fire was lit within her to support women and the entire birth continuum. Her deep desire is that women can feel connected to their bodies, liberated from the weight of past traumas, and embrace birth as a deeply spiritual experience. 

Kendall is a bodyworker, birth doula, herbalist, and somatic practitioner - offering a unique form of bodywork that she calls Three Cauldrons massage.


As a science nerd turned mystic, she loves to integrate the magic that is our mind, body, and nervous system into the mystical, to support people to feel liberated in their bodies, in union with their hearts, and connected to Spirit. She believes that intimacy is so much more than just pleasure, that tuning into the subtle, slow energies of life, connects us to something greater. That this is our gateway to the divine. 


In her hands-on work, she is often supporting people to integrate past experiences (from traumatic experiences to miscarriages to intense labor), unwind scar tissue from C-sections, support with pelvic care (strengthening and unwinding), re-sensitize and open to deeper intimacy, and womb and heart healing. 


She offers:


  • Three Cauldrons Somatic Bodywork - working with the jaw, heart, abdomen & womb

  • Somatic Integration & Energy Clearing

  • Birth Doula & Postpartum Services


You can book a session at or reach out to her at and 831-227-5848. 

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