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Embracing Parenting: Swaddlers

Our Nest Village Parenting Gatherings for birth - 9 months

  • 1 hour
  • Online Meetup

Service Description

Join caregivers with babies through the first 9 months to talk about all the exciting firsts along with common questions. We'll share insight into topics like why babies like to be held, why they enjoy movement and constant contact. Other common topics include infant feeding, co-parenting, maternal health, language development, responsive parenting and the always popular topic of infant sleep! This group includes All About Infant Sleep and Starting Solid Foods Classes While The Nest generally recommends parenting perspectives that promote attachment, connection and respect we welcome discussions from a variety of backgrounds. Together we'll discover and share resources, tools and suggestions to support every family to make informed decisions and feel confident and supported. Our virtual discussions are meant to offer parenting guidance, create community for all caregivers and provide a safe, welcoming space for parents to grow. All families who are a part of our Nest Village have access to these conversations along with the content that is shared in our Circle Community which is a private, virtual platform with engaging posts, forums and an interactive calendar. If you are already a subscriber, there is no need to register for these gatherings here. If you'd like to give it a try, join via one of the plans offered for a free trial OR reach out for a sliding scale option or scholarship.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

We know life happens and changes need to be made. For the support of our staff, we ask that you make them at least 24 hours before class.

Contact Details


830 Zion Street, Nevada City, CA, USA

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